Nami Sanat Co.

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B121-120, B121-120 , B121,120 , UE , W140 , K 1979051 , K1979051 , 544982 , UNITED ELECTRIC CONTROLS ,UNITED, ELECTRIC, CONTROLS , TEMPERATURE , SWITCHES , EXPLOSION , indicating , 120 series , B121-120, B121-120 , B121,120 , UE , W140 , K 1979051 , K1979051 , 544982 , UNITED ELECTRIC CONTROLS ,UNITED, ELECTRIC, CONTROLS , TEMPERATURE , SWITCHES , EXPLOSION , indicating , 120 series ,


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Group: Measurement & Instrument

Subgroup: Other products

SubSubgroup: Other

Brand: other Brands



120 Series

Explosion-Proof Temperature and Indicating Temperature Switches and Controls

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